When renting a home it is a good idea to ensure you are aware of all the costs involved. Looking at your household income against your outgoings is usually a good place to start to ensure you can afford the level of rent payable.


So you can calculate how much you will need the main costs are:

Monthly Rent & Rental Fees

Rent is usually paid each month in advance.

Some fees for tenants in non-housing act tenancies still do apply for services such as the Reference Fee, Tenancy Agreement and Check-in and Check Out so please contact us for clarification if you are unsure.

Rental Deposit

Once references are accepted, we will ask for the deposit to be paid, which is normally equivalent to five weeks rent. Your tenancy agreement will also be signed at this point.

Utility Bills

The exact cost of your utilities will be specified in your lease. Usually they include Council Tax, Electricity, Gas or Oil, Water and Waste water.